Then, this lady comes in with her husband (I presume), and while she's buying the tickets for them, she goes, "I have a question to ask you, and I'm hoping you can help me." I'm like, "okayyy....." She goes, "I have a babysitter at home, and I'm wondering if I can see half the film now and then come back to see the other half tomorrow?" I'm like, "uhhh....that's not really something we do...." and she's all like, "I know, that's why I'm asking you for a huge favor, you can just give me a lil coupon or something to see the other half tomorrow, babysitters are expensive these days, blah blah..." I was just like, "go talk to my manager, I have no power to do anything." WHO THE HELL ASKS THAT!?!?
Okay then, this girl comes in and wants to buy a ticket for Moonrise Kingdom. We have a very strict policy where we need to ask for a proof of age if you want the under-25 discount. So I ask her, like I asked the 300 other people I already served today, and she's like, "I don't have any ID on me...but I am under 25..." (this is a classic case, ladies and gentlemen, of stupidity, that I often encounter. read: who walks around without ID?) So I'm like, "Look, I can't give you the discount without the proof of age, it's just the policy," but then the friend she was with who is OVER 25 (ie. doesn't qualify for the discount) takes out HIS STUDENT CARD to PROVE THAT SHE IS A STUDENT. DO YOU GUYS GET IT!?!? NO?? ME NEITHER!!!! Apparently, this dude thought that by showing me HIS student card, that somehow it would prove that THE GIRL was ALSO A STUDENT and therefore UNDER 25 and therefore ENTITLED TO THE DISCOUNT. I was like, "that doesn't prove anything..." but then I was just like, ugh, get out of my face I can't even look at you/deal with this anymore.
Why God?
ReplyDeleteDefinitely tell the stupid teeny boppers that thats a very rude thing to say and they will live worthless lives if they don't learn how to be polite or respectful.
Babysitter lady is awesome, I would offer her a deal. Let me film this entire situation and post it on the internet, and I'll do it. Then make up some fake coupon and put a sticker of spider man or frogger on it for "special validity circumstances" or some other bull and try extra hard to not be around/on shift when she comes back to see the second half.
Whenever there is a situation where they dont have their ID for under 25 and are trying to get a free pass, well, if they seem like good people, or are genuinely convincing or awesome in some way, like pull out a business card that says BATMAN or some other cool trick, I'd just give them the discount. But other than those less often cases, use a line something like this. "I'll check with the security guard." pick up phone, pretend to call someone "Hi, yeah, we have another case of some kids who forgot their ID. ... No, they don't really look like it. ... Ok, I'll tell them." Then hang up, and tell them the security desk sometimes gives tickets to people if they get caught with discount tickets and no ID proof, so no dice, or something...
Have fun with it Nicola. When you know they are being dumb and anyone would see that, mess with them without them knowing. It won't come back to you, and if somehow it does, you can defend yourself if manager doesnt just instantly take your side.