
Another day at the Cinema

Work is not that bad today, except that my clothes are wet because I biked here in the rain. This weird old man who always comes in and tells me some weird joke came in today and told me a joke in English so I would "understand it better." I didn't even get the joke. It was something about Israel and Syria. I blanked out when he started talking and gave him this face:

He's told me so many not-funny jokes and every time I never laugh but look at him like this:

And yet he still finds it exhilirating to tell me his dumb jokes! Now that I think of it, he didn't tell me his joke while he was buying his ticket, which he usually does. He went into the theatre, came out, and rushed back to the cash to tell me. I bet he planned it all week and it was building up inside him. Ewww seriously I'm going to hurl. 

{cat, Olsen twin}

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