
Thinking about Ireland

Two years ago I spent 12 months living in Ireland, working as an au pair in Dun Laoghaire (just outside Dublin), and became part of an incredible family. It's been hard to adjust to the fact that I won't see those 3 little boys grow up, and if I do return to visit, be prepared to have them not remember me. It's difficult to pinpoint exactly what I miss about my year abroad: is it the freedom of being out of school and living anonymously? is it the exciting Irish culture I got to experience? is it the fun I had playing with the kids and their dog and integrating myself into a nice home? I suppose it's a combination of all of those things. But most of all, I miss being the au pair the kids would tell they loved, or would not stop trying to cuddle with as I tucked them into bed. I'm sure I'll have an opportunity like that when I have my own children (hopefully not for a while!) but it's interesting how maternal instincts can be stimulated when caring for children. Looking at these pics make me feel sick with longing!

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