
A cottage I'd live in

This little cottage feels so clean and refreshing; I'd love to live here.

  Home tour/pics from marthastewart.com. Read more about the cottage here.

Another day on the job: anger issue

Do you ever feel so annoyed at people that it makes you depressed about human civilization? I have to interact with insanely idiotic clients on a daily basis, and I'm starting to question lately whether or not I'm a hater of old people. What bugs me the most are the little things: 1) when people don't know how to use the interact machine while paying ("where's 'checking'?" - umm the button that clearly says 'checking'...Or when they enter their pin # and then stand around for a couple seconds looking dumbly at the screen, until I realize they didn't push 'enter') IT DOESN'T TAKE A GENIUS TO WORK ONE OF THESE MACHINES. 2) When people buy a ticket from me and then ask:
a) "where do I go?" - there is only 1 way you CAN go
b) "do you have a bathroom?" - nnoooo we're only a cinema that serves snacks and drinks and yet does not provide our customers with a bathroom, GO FIND IT
c) "can I go outside and come back in with my ticket or do I have to go directly into the theatre?" - are you kidding? there is no barrier preventing you from exiting, and I've never heard of a cinema where you are forced to go in upon buying your ticket. Why WOULDN'T you be able to leave and come back??!!

This is what I look like when someone asks me a stupid question:
The worst is when people say to me, "Two tickets for [movie title]," and I go, "It'll be $23," and then they go, "But isn't there a student price?" HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IF YOU ARE A STUDENT IF YOU DON'T TELL ME. DO YOU THINK I CAN MAGICALLY KNOW JUST BY LOOKING AT YOU THAT YOU ARE A STUDENT. YES, WE HAVE A REDUCED PRICE, SO THEN ASK ME, "Is there a price for students?" BEFORE YOU ORDER YOUR TICKETS. I AM NOT PSYCHIC.

Phheeeewf, I just had to blow off some steam there folks. I realize I have some anger issues and will try to deal with them sometime this year, #newyearsresolutions.

Me, every day:

gifs from whatshouldwecallme